Options for disaster recovery: How to cope if the office is flooded
Whitepaper August 17th, 2009

A recent fire in London’s Soho district meant some businesses were locked out of their offices for several days. The Buncefield Oil depot fire had a similar effect on many more businesses for much longer. How would your business cope if a nearby incident or disaster meant you couldn’t access vital IT systems for days or weeks?

The answer is to have a replica of your IT systems running in a second location, but until recently only very large organizations could afford it. More recently, products have come to market that run replicas servers in remote sites for between $60 to $200 per server per month.

This white paper explains the differences between the options, and is the result of extensive research combined with expert advice.

Click on the PayPal button to get a copy of the whitepaper. The whitepaper will be emailed to you within 24 hours as a PDF.

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